
What is the Wechsler memory test?

Answer: The Wechsler memory test is a human neuropsychological examination that evaluates memory.

wechsler memory test

Memory functions and processes can be injured in a variety of ways, most often damage to the temporal lobe (particularly the hippocampus) from a stroke, traumatic brain injury, Korsakoff syndrome, or as an unexpected side effect from surgery. A loss of the ability to form new memories is called anterograde amnesia. Amnesia and memory loss can be evaluated using the Wechsler memory test.

The test can be administered to people aged 16 - 90. Upon completion of the exam, a Wechsler Memory Score is reported in five different index scores based on the subject's performance on various tasks.

  1. Auditory Memory

  2. Visual Memory

  3. Visual Working Memory

  4. Immediate Memory

  5. Delayed Memory

The entire test takes about an hour to administer. The test may be given at the same time as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, (WAIS-IV).

The exam was first developed in 1945 by the David Wechsler, a Romanian - American psychologist. The most up to date version is the fourth edition, developed in 2009.